Friday 13 September 2013


We spent four days on the island of Ile-de-Re, which was lots of fun. Ile-de-Re is famous for cycling, beautiful towns, salt production and donkeys. We spent lots of time in a really cool pool as well.

Brian, Maedbh and Saoirse at one of the beautiful towns on Ile-de-Re.

Lynne, maedbh and Saoirse at La Rochelle.

We went on a Ferris wheel in La Rochelle, which was awesome! We could see the whole way across the town and sea.

Most days we had some special from the boulangerie, usually a chocolate eclair.

A cool car on the island

Ars-en-Re, where we ate dinner a few nights.

Thursday 12 September 2013

The ceadie fields

On a cold, windy day we went to visit the ceadie fields in Co Mayo. These fields have bogs which preserve anything that was sunk in them, for thousands of years. They found a settlement here that is older thank the pyramids, nearly 6000 years old.

Maddbh and Sadhbh out for dinner with everyone

Maedbh, Saoirse and Muireann did a puppet show

Brian, Saoirse, Maedbh and Muireann at Kylemore Abbey

Surfing on Achill

We went surfing on Achill Island, which was really cool. Saoirse loved standing up and catching waves. Maedbh had a huge fall on the tandem bike the day before with Kristian so couldn't surf as she couldn't stand kneel, but she went body boarding. The whole day was awesome!

Saoirse on the surfboard in surf school

Maedbh, Julie, mum and Kristian
A picnic in the rain with everyone - it was still lots of fun

Our cousin Fiachra on the surfboard 

We saw sheep on the road everywhere and often had to stop our car as they went past.

Cycling in the west. We all went cycling for the day around beautiful Achill Island
We haven't had interned access for ages so we're a bit behind on our posts!

There was a tandem bike that we took turns going on.

Ed with Muireann and Saoirse, they kept shouting, "faster, faster!"

The beautiful landscape

Having a drink after a hard day's cycle with all of the family.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Westport House in Mayo in the west of Ireland

We spent a week in county Mayo in the west of Ireland with our cousins and uncles and aunties. The first day we went to Westport House, which is a big, old and beautiful mansion whose gardens have been turned into an adventure park.

Muireann, Saoirse and Maedbh about to go down the zipwire. A zip wire is a flying fox and this one is the longest in Ireland. It was fantastic!

We all went in boats shaped like swans.  

This is one of the rides. It was the swinging ship, it swung side to side and went really high.

Friday 23 August 2013

In Ireland with the family

We're in Ireland with all of our cousins and family and having a great time. We're going down to the west of Ireland tomorrow where we probably won't have the internet so it may be a while until we write again. 
Saoirse and her cousin Connor (aka Superman) on the trampoline in Ireland

Maedbh at Fionn's birthday party

Saoirse being a penguin at the party

Muireann, Saoirse, Maedbh, Liz and Sadhbh at the Bray seafront- all good Irish names!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Paris day 3

The Eiffel Tower at night, all lit up

Maedbh and Saoirse eating out in Paris

Cooling feet off at the Louvre

Maedbh and Saoirse at the Louvre again

Outside Notre Dame, where the Hunchback used to hang out

Playing with French kids in the Park behind Notre Dame